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Ideenfindung für hybride Leistungsbündel

Generative Mechanisms for Innovation in Information Infrastructures [de]
Barriers for Transformation: Impediments for Transforming the Public Sector through Egovernment [de]
Why Information Technology is Not Being Used for Financial Advisory [de]
Information Needs in Service Systems – A Framework for Integrating Service and Manufacturing Business Processes [de]
Open Innovation Success or Failure – The Impact of Contextual Factors [de]
The Service System is the Basic Abstraction of Service Science [de]
Determining Appropriate Modes for Service Trade from Value Chain and Value Co-creation Perspectives [de]
Building Leadership for Life Cycle Business Transition by Hybrid Innovation [de]
Toward a Ubiquitous Personalized Daily-Life Activity Recommendation Service with Contextual Information: A Services Science Pers [de]
Towards a Framework for Evaluating Immersive Business Models: Evaluating Service Innovations in Second Life [de]
Collaborative Continuous Service Engineering [de]
Is there a Viable Future for Residential IP-Telephony Users? Exploring Providers’ and End-users’ Perspectives [de]
The Effects Of Communities Of Practice On The Success Of An Expert Recommending Service [de]
An Ontology-based Service Discovery Approach for the Provisioning of Product-Service Bundles [de]
Service Co-Creation with the Customer: the Role of Information Systems [de]
You Got E-Government?' A Quantitative Analysis of Social In- and Exclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery [de]
Evaluation of Future Mobile Services Based on the Technology Acceptance Model [de]
Moving Toward a Service Metaphor for Describing, Evaluating, and Designing Systems [de]
Success Factors in the Introduction of Standard Software in Core Processes of Banks [de]
The Impact of Distractions on the Usability and the Adoption of Mobile Devices for Wireless Data Services [de]